Creating Effective SOP: Guidelines, Examples, Templates

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Tanya A Mishra
on September 12, 2023 · · filed under Technical Writing SOP Standard Operating Procedures

Ever wondered what will happen if all your meeting details, data points, or training data get lost? How will your company work? What will happen to the ginormous amount of valuable information?

Thank God we have documentation, which is a must-have for the smooth running of any organization. Whether it is a small task or a large project, through effective documentation, you can seamlessly create, maintain, publish, and share information with all stakeholders.

This is where Standard Operating Procedures have been helping companies!

For firms seeking to boost efficiency, improve quality, and scale operations smoothly, implementing standard operating procedures (SOPs) is mission-critical. However, while most organizations recognize the importance of SOP documentation, many fail to realize its full benefits. Why does this disconnect exist? Two words: Proper Execution.

Simply documenting SOPs in a manual or wiki is not enough to transform ways of working. Like an unused gym membership, those procedures won't have an impact just sitting on a shelf. To truly optimize training, compliance, safety, and cross-functional consistency, SOPs must be embedded into employees' daily work in an accessible, interactive way. New hire onboarding into SOPs is insufficient. Ongoing reinforcement and adherence monitoring are essential.

Leveraging purpose-built software takes SOP benefits to the next level. With centralized access, visual guides, notifications, analytics, and more, cloud platforms make it easy and rewarding for employees to integrate SOPs into their regular routines. But technology alone isn't the panacea. Strategic adoption techniques, from training and feedback to rewards and accountability, drive a cultural shift.

The following article explores leading practices to create, manage, and maximize enterprise SOP programs.

By hosting SOPs on Docsie, you can share your entire knowledge portal through quick deployment, self-hosting, embedding within shared documents, hosting on a private cloud, etc.

But what exactly is an SOP? How does it work?

This blog explores various aspects of SOP: its purpose, features, format, benefits, etc. As a bonus, it also shares valuable information on Docsie, a full-fledged document-creation platform for all your business needs.

It's time to boost productivity, morale, and quality by bringing standard operating procedures to life across your organization.

What is a SOP (standard operating procedure)?

A standard operating procedure (SOP) is a documented process that outlines how to complete a routine activity or task. SOPs detail the steps required to complete a task or process from start to finish. They provide clear, concise instructions for employees to follow when carrying out important work functions or processes.

SOPs are essential for managing operations efficiently and consistently in a business. They serve several key functions:

  1. Ensure consistency - SOPs provide standardized instructions so that employees perform tasks correctly and with minimal variation. This enhances quality control.

  2. Improve efficiency - By providing clear guidelines for employees, SOPs can increase productivity and streamline workflows. Employees don't need to figure out how to complete tasks from scratch each time.

  3. Onboarding new employees - SOPs help train new hires by detailing company procedures. New employees can refer to SOPs when learning their role.

  4. Ensure compliance - SOPs help companies meet regulatory requirements and industry standards by documenting proper protocols.

  5. Preserve institutional knowledge - If an employee leaves, SOPs preserve the methods and knowledge so that work can continue uninterrupted.

SOPs should provide straightforward instructions and cover all necessary steps, from beginning to end. They may include checklists, visual aids like screenshots, or tables to organize information. To ensure usefulness, SOPs should be clearly written, readily accessible to employees, and kept up-to-date.

Implementing SOPs requires initial effort, but the benefits are numerous. With SOPs in place, employees have the resources to perform tasks consistently, and businesses streamline cross-functional processes. In short, SOPs are a critical component of an efficient, high-quality operation.

SOP Template

Here is an example structure for a Standard Operating Procedure. Here are some key benefits of using this SOP template:

  1. Provides consistent structure - The template gives all SOPs the same organized flow with standard sections, making procedures easy to follow.

  2. Enhances accessibility - Numbered sections and clear labeling enable employees to quickly find the information they need.

  3. Improves comprehension - Sections like Purpose, Scope, Terms and Definitions ensure context and clarity for users.

  4. Supports compliance - Elements like Responsibilities, Safety Information, and Documentation aid regulatory adherence.

  5. Allows customization - While structured, the template can be adapted to any process with steps tailored to the procedure.

  6. Facilitates consistency - Templates promote consistency in information provided across all SOPs organization-wide.

  7. Simplifies authoring - With predefined sections, authors simply need to fill in relevant information for each procedure.

  8. Enables scalability - The template can be used universally for any number of SOPs as an organization's procedure library grows.

  9. Promotes continuous improvement - The Update History section ensures procedures remain current and accurate over time.

  10. Provides oversight - Approver name field supports an approval process and accountability for SOP reviews.

  11. Saves time - Pre-formatted templates enable faster SOP creation compared to crafting from scratch.

In summary, this template provides a solid foundation for comprehensive, readable SOPs that will promote understanding, accessibility, compliance, and maintenance.

Standard Operating Procedures Format

SOP Formats define how you would like to structure and organize information through your written words. Before selecting any SOP format, find out why you are creating, it and then choose from any of the widely available templates to get started. Choose a format that aligns with your overall company goal, conveys information effectively, and fulfills the purpose of writing an SOP.

Written Format Hierarchical Format Flowchart Format Checklist Format Video Format Interactive Format
This involves writing documents in a straightforward manner. You can use bullet points or numbered lists. A bit complex format, but this provides additional details with a table of contents and separate headings. Illustrates SOPs when companies predict more than one outcome for a particular task. Such tasks come with complex procedures and have a flexible scope. Presents just an organized list of steps that are easy to follow. Replicates the format of a to-do list that you can tick off on completing various tasks. A visual guide on how to complete a particular task. It is a fun and interactive way to engage the audience. SOPs can be structured as interactive online courses including written materials, quizzes, video demonstrations, etc.
Best used for:To provide a short summary with step-by-step instructions along with mentioning the name of the person responsible for each aspect of the job. Best used for:Writing the purpose, an overview, and detailed instructions on how each step of the task should be completed, along with the names of responsible stakeholders. Best used for:Depicting an easy-to-follow diagram representing the various processes and how different decisions can lead to different outcomes. Best used for:SOPs that contain repetitive tasks that require more manual labor and less creativity. Best used for:Training or onboarding purposes where employees can get an idea regarding how to perform a particular task. Best used for:Tasks involving multiple concepts or that require a large number of people bringing their varied skills to complete the project.

If you are unsure about which platform to choose for authoring your company SOPs, try Docsie for a seamless, hassle-free and enjoyable experience. Enhance your company's potential and unleash your employees' productivity by creating SOPs following some simple steps on Docsie. Whether you need to create a proposal for a new business plan or craft a document on task allocation, choose Docsie as your trusted partner and craft SOPs with perfection!

Standard Operating Procedure: [SOP Title]

1. Purpose

Briefly describe the purpose of this SOP. Why does the procedure exist and what objectives does it aim to accomplish?

2. Scope

Specify the departments, teams, personnel, systems, or other entities that this SOP applies to. Who is expected to follow this procedure?

3. Responsibilities

Outline the roles and responsibilities of personnel involved in the execution of this SOP. Who owns, performs, supports, and reviews the procedure?

4. Materials and Equipment

List any materials, forms, systems, software, tools, or equipment required to successfully carry out this SOP. Include specific details like system names and locations of physical resources.

5. Safety Information

If applicable, provide general precautions, warning, or handling guidelines personnel should be aware of for safety when performing this SOP. Note any training or PPE required.

6. Step-by-Step Procedure

Provide the step-by-step instructions to complete the process from start to finish.

  • Number each step

  • Start each step with an action verb

  • Include any relevant visual aids or screenshots

Note steps that may diverge due to contingencies using bullet points

7. Documentation and Record Keeping

Describe any forms, logs, reports or other documentation that should be maintained describing the completion of this SOP. Outline storage locations and retention timelines.

8. Terms and Definitions

Define any key terms or acronyms used in the SOP that may be unfamiliar to users. Provide clear definitions.

9. References

List any external documents or resources that provide supplementary information related to the SOP. Include hyperlinks if available.

10. SOP Update History

Provide a version history log documenting revisions made to the SOP over time. Include version number, date, author, approver, and high-level changes.

  1. Approved By: [Name, Title]

  2. Last Updated: [Date]

  3. Revision: [Version Number]

Why are SOPs important for a business?

Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are invaluable for businesses looking to improve efficiency, comply with regulations, and scale operations. There are many important reasons why SOPs benefit organizations:

  1. Improve consistency - With documented SOPs in place, employees know exactly how to execute processes each time. Rather than relying on tribal knowledge, SOPs provide standardized instructions for employees to follow. This level of consistency is vital for quality control.

  2. Enhance training - Onboarding new hires is faster and easier with SOPs. New employees can reference SOPs to learn their roles quickly and start contributing sooner. SOPs ensure proper training so that standards don't slip.

  3. Preserve institutional knowledge - When an employee leaves a company, SOPs retain the methods, techniques, and knowledge the employee applied. With staff turnover, SOPs prevent disruptions in continuing business operations seamlessly.

  4. Ensure compliance - SOPs help organizations meet legal regulations and industry standards through documented best practices. With SOPs, businesses can demonstrate compliance during audits or inspections.

  5. Enable delegation - Managers can confidently delegate tasks knowing employees can follow SOPs to maintain consistency. Well-documented SOPs empower employees to work more autonomously.

  6. Facilitate continuous improvement- SOPs provide an opportunity to frequently evaluate processes and improve them. Managers can optimize SOPs over time for greater efficiency.

  7. Reduce errors - By outlining exact steps for employees, SOPs minimize mistakes. Employees have resources to do work right the first time.

  8. Streamline cross-functional work- SOPs enhance coordination across departments by standardizing processes and hand offs.

  9. Support scaling - As a business grows, SOPs allow it to efficiently expand operations and onboard more employees.

  10. Strengthen customer service - Employees empowered with SOPs can provide consistent, high-quality service that delights customers.

In summary, SOPs are a foundational business practice that lead to significant process, efficiency, and quality improvements. Investing time in creating SOPs delivers long-term dividends.

What are the benefits of using SOP software?

Adopting SOP software offers organizations many advantages over relying on paper-based or ad hoc standard operating procedures. SOP software centralizes SOP information and automates elements of the SOP process. Benefits of using SOP software include:

  1. Improved accessibility - SOP software houses all procedures in a centralized database accessible from any location. Employees can easily find the SOP they need without sorting through manuals. Mobile access makes SOPs accessible on-the-go.

  2. Enhanced SOP control - SOP software allows setting user permissions so employees only access relevant procedures. Update workflows ensure SOPs are kept current. Version histories enable restoring previous versions if needed.

  3. Simplified SOP creation - Intuitive SOP software makes it easy for non-technical users to create SOPs with templates, sections, images, nested procedures and more. Collaboration features streamline drafting SOPs.

  4. Multimedia documentation - Unlike paper SOPs, software supports images, voice instructions, videos and other multimedia. This improves comprehension for visual and auditory learners.

  5. Interactive SOP guides - Interactive SOPs function as step-by-step guides leading users through procedures. Employees can input data during SOPs for more engagement.

  6. SOP acknowledgment tracking - Managers can track SOP reading comprehension. Acknowledgment logs ensure employee adherence and accountability.

  7. Performance metrics - SOP software generates reports on SOP usage metrics. This visibility helps identify adoption issues or training needs.

  8. Automated SOP maintenance - Software prompts periodic SOP reviews or updates to keep procedures current. Automation also reduces reliance on manual version tracking.

  9. Integrations - Quality SOP software integrates with training software, document control systems, digital signatures and more. This unifies platforms.

  10. Enhanced compliance - Automated protocols like digital SOP acknowledgments improve audit preparedness. Software logs demonstrate SOP adherence.

  11. Better training - Centralized SOP access makes training new hires easier. Interactive guides reinforce learning. Metrics identify training opportunities.

In summary, purpose-built SOP software makes standard operating procedures more effective and impactful across organizations. The centralized access, automation, and analytics lead to higher productivity and continuous improvement.

What features should I look for in SOP software?

Selecting the right SOP software is key for optimizing standard operating procedures across an organization. When evaluating solutions, consider these important features:

  1. Customizable templates - Look for a platform that provides templates to streamline creating SOPs for different departments and use cases. Optimal templates are customizable.

  2. Collaboration tools - Collaboration functionality like comment streams, task assignments, and version approvals are essential for cross-functional SOP creation and review.

  3. Access controls - To properly govern SOPs, the software should have advanced controls to set user and group permissions for creating, editing, reviewing and accessing SOP procedures.

  4. Multimedia integration - The ability to incorporate images, videos, audio files, screenshots and more makes SOP instructions more visual and engaging for employees.

  5. Interactive guides - Interactive guides that lead users through SOPs in a step-by-step interface improve comprehension and training. Look for branching logic too.

  6. Notifications and reminders - Email, mobile and in-app notifications on upcoming reviews, approvals, acknowledgements and more help keep SOPs current and enforce adherence.

  7. Multi-channel publishing - A centralized hub to publish and distribute SOPs through web, mobile, print, PDF and more ensures employees access the latest versions.

  8. Revision history and version control - Robust version control provides auditing visibility and simplifies SOP reviews. It also enables reverting to or comparing previous versions.

  9. Analytics and reporting - Usage metrics help managers identify adoption issues, optimize training, and highlight SOP improvements. Robust analytics are essential.

  10. Searching and indexing - Intuitive enterprise search makes finding relevant SOPs easy. Tagging and metadata improves discoverability within the procedures library.

  11. Integrations - Platforms like training systems, document control, e-signature and productivity software expand the value. APIs enable custom integrations.

  12. Cloud-based - Cloud platforms offer accessibility, continuous updates, security and scalability. On-premise options may also be available.

When evaluating SOP systems, prioritize the features that will maximize organizational adoption, training, compliance and continuous improvement. This drives greater impact from SOP investments.

What are some top SOP software solutions?

With the right SOP software, organizations can maximize the value of their standard operating procedures. Here are some of the top platforms to consider:

  1. Process Street - This popular cloud-based software makes creating, tracking and managing SOPs simple. Customizable templates, approval workflows, and integration with apps like Slack streamline collaboration. Usage metrics provide visibility into SOP adoption.

  2. SweetProcess - Offering robust SOP document control, this software centralizes SOPs with version histories, permissions, multi-channel publishing and revisions. Interactive digital guides make following procedures easy.

  3. StepShot - Ideal for heavily regulated industries, StepShot enables authoring detailed SOPs with images, annotations, branching logic, and multimedia. Change logs support audit preparedness. Templates accelerate drafting.

  4. OpsHub - OpsHub integrates with tools like Documentum, SharePoint, and Google Drive for unified SOP access and editing. Granular user permissions govern access. Dashboards provide analytics on SOP performance.

  5. Curve - Curve aims to optimize how employees create, manage and complete SOPs. Interactive instructions provide step-by-step guidance. Curve integrates with enterprise apps and messaging platforms.

  6. SafetyCulture IQ - Geared for regulated industries, IQ manages permissions, scheduling, and multi-site SOP needs. The mobile interface ensures accessibility for frontline employees. Offline access enables continuity.

  7. Qualio - This regulated industry solution offers robust SOP document control with versioning, comparisons, approvals and distribution controls. Test Result integration improves quality management.

  8. Kissflow Procedure - This intuitive no-code platform enables anyone to create advanced interactive SOPs and make them accessible across devices. Audit logs track SOP access and changes.

  9. Zenkit - Boasting project management functionality, Zenkit enables creating detailed SOPs with task assignments and status updates. The cloud-based platform ensures access from anywhere.

  10. MasterControl - With advanced automation, change management, training integration and mobility capabilities, MasterControl helps organizations govern and get the most from SOPs.

These highly-rated platforms provide organizations with the tools needed to develop, manage and optimize SOPs effectively. The right software aligns with an organization's specific governance, collaboration and adoption needs.

How can SOP software help improve efficiency?

Standard operating procedures are invaluable for organizations, but only if employees actually follow them. SOP software provides several capabilities to help drive SOP efficiency and adherence:

  1. Interactive guides - Interactive checklists and workflows make following SOPs easier by leading users step-by-step through required procedures. Employees can input data during SOPs.

  2. Mobile access - Allowing access to SOPs from any device improves accessibility for employees on-the-go and without desktop access. This enhances adherence.

  3. Notifications - Proactively notify employees via email, text or in-app messaging when their SOP reviews or acknowledgements are coming due. This drives engagement.

  4. Accountability - Digital SOP sign-offs, acknowledgements and records of who accessed procedures and when improves accountability to follow SOPs.

  5. Offline access - For workers without consistent internet connectivity, offline SOP access ensures they can still maintain compliance when connections are disrupted.

  6. Feedback loops - Collecting employee feedback on SOPs frequently identifies areas of confusion and opportunities to optimize instructions for clarity.

  7. Role-based procedures - Curate specific SOPs and checklists for different users and roles. This promotes relevance and engagement.

  8. Gamification - Applying game elements like points, badges and leader-boards makes completing SOPs more motivational and interactive for employees.

  9. Videos - Embed videos directly into SOPs when useful for demonstrating processes visually. Videos improve comprehension.

  10. Notifications analytics - View metrics on notification deliverability and open rates. Use insights to refine timing and increase notifications' impact.

  11. SOP version guidance - Provide release notes explaining changes between SOP versions. This proactive guidance reduces confusion during updates.

  12. Training integration - Sync completed SOP training modules with the learning management system so managers have visibility into program participation.

The right software atmospherics make it easier and more rewarding for employees to regularly interact with SOPs. Enable every feature that will drive continuous SOP adoption across the workforce. Consistent adherence will improve productivity, safety, quality and more.

How do I create effective SOPs for my business?

Creating effective standard operating procedures (SOPs) is critical for businesses to streamline operations, reduce errors, and scale growth. Here are some key tips for developing high-quality SOPs:

  1. Analyze processes first - Observe processes in action, engage workers performing them, and analyze steps and pain points before drafting SOPs. Capture details accurately.

  2. Use simple language - Write SOP instructions clearly and concisely using plain language. Avoid jargon. Focus on short sentences and active voice for easy readability.

  3. Structure content - Organize SOP content using consistent numbered headings, bullet points, and whitespace. Use focused paragraphs for each process step.

  4. Add visuals - Incorporate screenshots, photos, illustrations, charts, and diagrams to clarify instructions and make SOPs more visual. Visuals improve comprehension.

  5. Be precise - Eliminate any ambiguity in instructions. Specify required tools and materials for each step so users have everything they need to execute properly.

  6. Outline contingencies - Address potential issues, exceptions, and alternatives that may arise when following the SOP. Provide clear guidance for handling them.

  7. Add callouts - Use tips, warnings and reminders throughout to call attention to critical information, potential issues, or insights users need to know.

  8. Highlight safety - Emphasize any important health and safety precautions associated with the process using visual cues like bold, icons or highlighted callouts.

  9. Make instructions actionable - Phrase steps as direct actions starting with imperative verbs like “Click”, “Select”, “Scan”, etc. This makes the path clear.

  10. Test and refine - Have employees unfamiliar with the SOP test following the instructions. Then refine unclear areas. Repeat until the SOP is polished.

  11. Make SOPs accessible - Store SOP documents centrally using software so employees can search and easily access SOPs anytime, from any location or device.

  12. Review and update - Set reminders to periodically review and update SOPs to keep them current. Have subject matter experts revalidate correctness.

Crafting comprehensive, easy-to-follow SOPs takes time upfront but pays dividends long-term through consistent execution of processes. Well-designed SOPs are living documents that evolve.

SOP Creation - Challenges

While SOPs are meant to make tasks easier, introducing them to your organisation often comes with its own set of challenges. Here are some of the roadblocks that companies face:

1. Obsolete SOPs:

SOP documents are dynamic. They are living and hence require constant upgrades, maintenance, etc. To solve the problem of outdated SOPs, use Docsie's SOP-creation service to add new information easily.

2. Participation issues:

If SOP is something new for your company, it can suffer from the non-involvement of your employees. To find how your company members use the steps mentioned in the SOP, follow the metrics and analytics closely. With , you can not only create exceptional SOP documents but can also track how your employees are interacting with the same.

3. Proper training:

Sufficient training and proper maintenance are required to make your SOPs live longer. Therefore, all your team members should be able to use resources that might help them complete the tasks mentioned in the SOP. When you use Docsie, you can have complete peace of mind since it is designed for beginners who can easily follow instructions and complete the task as laid down in the SOP.

How can I ensure employees follow SOPs correctly?

Organizations invest substantial time creating standard operating procedures (SOPs) to optimize operations and training. But the benefits of SOPs are only realized if employees actually follow them properly. Here are some tips for ensuring SOP adherence:

  1. Make following SOPs a policy - Instituting a policy that SOP protocols must be followed as written establishes adherence as mandatory, not optional. Enforce consistently.

  2. Provide ongoing SOP training - Don't just train new hires on SOPs. Provide regular refreshers on why adhering to SOPs matters and how to access and use SOPs correctly.

  3. Audit SOP execution - Routinely audit employees executing SOPs through observation or quality control checks. Identify gaps for additional coaching and training.

  4. Automate SOP checklists - Using software that provides interactive, guided SOP checklists makes following procedures easier and creates accountability records.

  5. Request employee acknowledgement - Have employees digitally sign-off on reading and understanding each new or updated SOP. Maintain these acknowledgement records.

  6. Incorporate SOP adherence into reviews - Make following SOP protocols an element weighed in employees' performance reviews to underscore adherence importance.

  7. Monitor SOP analytics - Leverage software analytics showing SOP usage rates, completion metrics, acknowledgement records, and more to spot adoption issues.

  8. Implement rewards and recognition - Celebrate employees who maintain perfect SOP adherence records. Create competitions or showcase leaders on an employee recognition wall.

  9. Address non-compliance immediately - If employees are caught not following SOPs, swiftly address the violation by retraining them on relevance. Continued non-compliance warrants disciplinary action.

  10. Empower managers to enforce- Provide managers authority and guidance to coach their teams on SOP adherence and hold them accountable. Ensure they lead by example.

  11. Simplify SOP accessibility - Use centralized software so employees can easily search and access the most updated SOPs anytime, anywhere. Simplify access.

  12. Gather employee feedback - Check in with employees on SOP content and address areas of confusion. Optimize SOPs continuously based on input.

Reinforcing SOP adherence at every opportunity is essential. A combination of training, oversight, accountability and recognition will drive a workplace culture with proper SOP usage as the norm.

How much does SOP software cost?

Implementing standard operating procedures (SOPs) requires an initial investment of time and effort. But the long-term benefits of streamlined operations and consistent quality make SOPs well worth the cost. Here are some factors to consider regarding SOP software costs:

  1. Licensing model - SOP software is usually priced as an annual subscription based on the number of users. Subscription fees typically range from $3-$12 per user per month, with lower pricing for higher user tiers.

  2. Features needed - Packages with more advanced features like audit trails, analytics, and badge systems carry a higher price tag. Opt for necessary features to control costs.

  3. Cloud vs on-premise - Cloud-based SOP software involves a lower upfront cost but ongoing subscription fees. Self-hosted options require more IT infrastructure but avoid recurring fees.

  4. Integration needs - Many platforms offer built-in integrations with complementary apps for an additional price. Factor in any integrations with other systems you'll need.

  5. Training and support - Some vendors bundle onboarding, training, support, and maintenance. Others charge extra for these services à la carte.

  6. Customizations - Significantly customizing platforms to match specific workflows may require additional charges for custom development time. Keep custom needs straightforward.

  7. Security and compliance - Upgrading to higher security features or capabilities to meet regulatory compliance standards will increase costs. But it may be required.

  8. Number of SOPs - Having an extensive procedures library is not always more expensive, as pricing is based on users. But larger libraries take more time to migrate or create.

  9. Phase-in options - Phasing in SOP software across departments can distribute costs over time. Growing into a system is more affordable for some organizations.

  10. Cost saving opportunities - Options like annual subscriptions, multi-year prepayment, non-profit and educational discounts can reduce overall SOP software costs.

While advancing operations with SOP software requires budget, the ROI from enhanced efficiency, productivity, and compliance typically outweighs the investment many times over. Prioritizing the must-have components helps optimize software costs.

How do I get employees engaged with using SOP software?

Getting employees genuinely excited about using new standard operating procedure (SOP) software requires thoughtful change management. Employees often view SOPs as mundane. Here are some tips for driving SOP software adoption:

  1. Communicate benefits - Explain what's in it for employees. Highlight how SOP software will make procedures accessible anywhere to make their jobs easier and keep them compliant.

  2. Involve employees early - Get user input on desired features during the software selection process so they feel heard. Have pilot users evaluate platforms.

  3. Discuss during onboarding - Describe the SOP software during new hire onboarding so they begin understanding the value from their first day.

  4. Provide thorough training - Go beyond how to use the software. Train employees extensively on why SOPs matter, how adherence benefits them, and their role.

  5. Gamify engagement - Inject fun into SOP usage by awarding points or badges for activities like acknowledging procedures and reporting issues.

  6. Highlight leaders - Call out employees who engage consistently and provide input to improve SOPs. Recognition motivates usage.

  7. Solicit feedback - Ask for input on the platform itself and clarity of SOP content. Employees feel valued contributing insights.

  8. Address concerns promptly - If technical issues arise or SOPs feel outdated, address concerns quickly to maintain trust in the system.

  9. Analyze metrics - Leverage usage analytics to see where adoption lags. Target relevant groups with additional training or communications.

  10. Promote wins - Share results and improvements driven by SOP software adoption like efficiency gains, reduced errors and improved safety.

  11. Link to performance - Establish following SOPs as an element in performance management to intrinsically motivate usage.

  12. Reward participation - Consider offering small rewards like gift cards or extra time off for employees who achieve high SOP usage metrics.

Getting employees on board with an SOP software overhaul requires strategic change management tactics, not just technical training. When employees recognize their input matters and rewards await, adoption will exceed expectations.

Why Choose Docsie?

SOPs explain processes defining tasks and workflows. Apart from letting companies host their SOPs, Docsie also helps in the following areas:

Powerful text formatting in terms of adding headings, subheadings, bullets, numbered lists, dictionary tables, etc).

Content embedding through hyperlinks, images and video embedding, clickable links, iFrame content embedding, etc.

Version control and easy update and change management (maintaining multiple versions, removing outdated documents, improving content quality by being compliant and adhering to regulations).

Maintains high security of the documents by providing role-based access controls and two-factor user authentication.

Improves clarity by demarcating team roles and boosts overall productivity.

Key Takeaways:

A Standard Operation Procedure outlines the steps needed to be followed to complete a big project.

A usual SOP, irrespective of its format, should contain the title, the SOP number, publication or revision dates, names and signatures along with the roles and functions of all who created the SOPs.

By following SOPs, companies can standardise products and yield high-quality results. Following SOPs enables organisations to stay on track, move towards a common goal and not deviate from the path of completing the assignment.

With Docsie, craft easy-to-maintain documentation and share it with your team members with the click of a button. Collaborate, brainstorm and manage multiple workspaces on the same platform.

Facing issues? Have a query? Let Docsie's Help and Support feature help you navigate common documentation issues.


In conclusion, standard operating procedures and SOP software provide tremendous value for organizations looking to optimize operations, training, compliance, safety, quality, and growth. However, realizing these benefits requires strategic planning and execution. Companies must invest time upfront analyzing processes and developing comprehensive, easy-to-follow SOPs. Purpose-built software centralizes access and controls to these procedures. Driving continuous adherence requires multilayered strategies including training, accountability mechanisms, feedback channels, and cultural reinforcement. Although implementing SOP protocols requires initial effort, the long-term dividends are well worth the investment. With robust SOPs and software as a foundation, organizations can scale efficiently while maintaining consistency, developing employees, and delighting customers. SOPs demonstrate ROI by enhancing the way work is performed across the board.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1 - What is the purpose of creating an SOP?

Ans: SOPs help to break down a large project into small, digestible chunks of doable tasks. The primary aim of an SOP is to create a solid framework containing a set of instructions needed to complete a job. By maintaining SOPs, you can better ensure that your operations are carried on smoothly and effectively with zero distractions.

Q2 - Who should draft SOPs?

Ans: SOPs should always be drafted by subject matter experts or members directly involved in the project. It reduces the risk of providing misinformation and also rules out the possibility of focusing on the unimportant areas of the project. Whether it is a large organisation or an SME, drafting SOPs requires first-hand knowledge, expertise, credibility and experience in getting things done by following a predetermined set of instructions.

Q3 - Where should you store your SOPs?

Ans: There are various ways and locations where you can store your SOPs. But make sure that your choicest location fulfils two criteria - security and accessibility.

Choose a secured location for your SOP since it might often contain sensitive information about your company which should be handled only by your trusted employees. With Docsie, you can control whom you are giving access to so that you can protect your documents with zero headaches.

Those who are responsible for following the instructions and completing the task need complete access to your SOP document. They are responsible for adding or modifying any steps mentioned in the SOP as per the changes that might arise during project implementation. To make this possible, ensure that your SOP is stored in an accessible location so that team members can refer to it as and when required.

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