Document360, Gitbook, and Docsie: Pricing and Feature Analysis of Documentation Platforms

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Tanya A Mishra
on July 04, 2023 · · filed under Documentation Portals

The demand for efficient and organised documentation processes is steadily increasing in today's fast-paced digital world. Three popular platforms in this space are Document360, Gitbook, and Docsie.

All three are comprehensive documentation solutions designed to simplify creating, managing, and publishing documentation. These platforms provide a range of features, such as collaborative editing, version control, and integrations with popular development tools.

Regarding pricing, each platform offers different plans tailored to organisations' varying needs and budgets. Comparing the pricing structures of these platforms can help organisations make informed decisions based on their specific needs and budgets. Let’s dive right into this!

Feature Comparison for Documentation Platforms:

Key features:

You can compare these documentation platforms based on key features for a feature analysis to help decide which platform could be used for what requirements. The following features will be used for this analysis:

  • Collaborative Editing:

Allows multiple users to work on the same document simultaneously, facilitating collaboration and real-time updates.

  • Version Control:

Enables tracking and management of document revisions, ensuring easy access to previous versions and maintaining an audit trail.

  • Integrations:

Integration with popular development tools and platforms to streamline workflows and enhance productivity.

  • Customisation:

The ability to tailor the documentation platform to match the organisation's branding and style guidelines.

  • Analytics and Insights:

Provides data and metrics to understand user engagement, document usage, and performance.

Features Document360 Gitbook Docsie
Collaborative Editing Yes Yes Yes
Version Control Yes Yes Yes
Integrations Extensive Limited Wide Range
Customisation High Limited Moderate
Analytics and Insights Robust Basic Available
### Detailed Comparison:

The following is a detailed description of the feature comparison between Document360, Gitbook, and Docsie as presented in the table:

1. Collaborative Editing:

All three platforms, Document360, Gitbook, and Docsie, offer collaborative editing capabilities. This feature allows multiple users to work on the same document simultaneously, promoting collaboration and facilitating real-time updates.

With collaborative editing, teams can collaborate seamlessly, making edits, adding comments, and discussing changes in real-time. This ensures efficient teamwork and helps maintain accuracy and consistency in the documentation.

2. Version Control:

Version control is crucial for documentation platforms; all three platforms excel in this area. Document360, Gitbook, and Docsie provide version control functionality, allowing users to track and manage document revisions effectively.

This feature enables easy access to previous versions of documents, making it simple to revert to an earlier version if necessary. It also helps maintain an audit trail, providing transparency and accountability for document changes.

3. Integrations:

Integrations are significant in streamlining workflows and enhancing productivity within documentation platforms. Document360 offers extensive integrations, allowing seamless connections with popular development tools and platforms.

Gitbook provides limited integrations, which may still cover essential integrations but may have fewer options compared to Document360.

Docsie, on the other hand, offers a wide range of integrations, ensuring flexibility and compatibility with various tools and services. Depending on an organisation's specific requirements, the availability and extent of integrations can significantly impact the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the documentation process.

4. Customisation:

Customisation is another essential aspect to consider when evaluating documentation platforms. Document360 stands out in terms of customisation, offering high levels of flexibility to tailor the platform to match an organisation's branding and style guidelines.

Gitbook provides limited customisation options, which might be sufficient for some organisations but may have restrictions on complete branding alignment.

Docsie offers moderate customisation capabilities, falling between the extensive customisation options of Document360 and the more limited customisation of Gitbook. The ability to customise the documentation platform ensures a consistent and cohesive brand experience for users and reinforces the organisation's identity.

5. Analytics and Insights:

Analytics and insights provide valuable data and metrics to assess the performance and effectiveness of documentation. Document360 offers robust analytics capabilities, providing comprehensive insights into user engagement, document usage, and performance metrics.

Gitbook provides basic analytics functionality, offering a basic level of data to understand user interactions and document metrics.

Docsie offers analytics capabilities, although the specific extent and depth of analytics may vary. Analytics and insights enable organisations to identify areas of improvement, optimise content, and make data-driven decisions to enhance their documentation processes.

By carefully considering the features offered by each platform, organisations can evaluate which platform aligns best with their specific documentation needs. Whether it's the need for extensive integrations, customisation options, or robust analytics, comparing these features across Document360, Gitbook, and Docsie enables organisations to make informed decisions and choose the most appropriate documentation platform for their requirements.

Docsie is an end-to-end documentation management platform that helps businesses to create web-based FAQs, product docs, user guides, etc. The platform offers features like customer-centric collaboration, tailored transitions, extensive embedding, and powerful presentations.

Pricing Comparison for Documentation Platforms:

Pricing considerations are crucial for businesses and individuals when choosing a documentation platform. It directly impacts budget allocation, return on investment (ROI), and the affordability of the selected solution. Pricing considerations allow organisations to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a platform with its features and capabilities.

For individuals, the pricing determines the feasibility of utilising a documentation platform within their personal or freelance projects. Analysing and comparing the pricing structures of Document360, Gitbook, and Docsie will help users make informed decisions based on their financial constraints and requirements.

Pricing Comparison:

Pricing Plan Document360 Gitbook Docsie
Starter $39/month Free Custom Pricing
Professional $79/month $8/user/month Custom Pricing
Enterprise Custom Pricing Custom Pricing Custom Pricing
### Detailed Comparison:

The following is a detailed comparison of the pricing structures of Document360, Gitbook, and Docsie:

1. Document360:

Document360 offers transparent pricing with three main plans:

  • Starter Plan: Designed for small teams and startups, the Starter Plan provides basic features and is priced at $39/month.

  • Professional Plan: The Professional Plan offers advanced features geared towards growing teams and is priced at $79/month.

  • Enterprise Plan: Tailored for large organisations with extensive documentation needs, the Enterprise Plan provides custom features and pricing.

2. Gitbook:

Gitbook offers pricing options based on the number of users. They have three main plans:

  • Free Plan: Designed for individuals or small teams, the Free Plan offers basic features for up to three users.

  • Pro Plan: Suitable for growing teams, the Pro Plan provides additional features and is priced at $8/user/month.

  • Enterprise Plan: Customised pricing for large organisations with advanced requirements.


*Docsie provides a flexible pricing model based on specific requirements: *

  • They offer custom plans tailored to individual needs, allowing users to choose features and pay accordingly.

  • Users can contact Docsie directly to discuss their needs and negotiate pricing.

  • This pricing model is the most economical till now due to the customisation.

Businesses and individuals can assess the affordability and value each platform offers by considering the pricing structures of Document360, Gitbook, and Docsie. Evaluating the plans, features, and customizability helps make an informed decision that aligns with the available budget and the specific needs of the documentation project. Custom pricing is very economical and beneficial for the users.

Free v/s Paid Plan Services for Documentation Platforms:

All three platforms, Document360, Gitbook, and Docsie, offer free plans alongside their paid options. These free plans allow users to explore the platforms' basic features and functionality without cost.

Features and Limitations of Free Plans:

1. Document360 Free Plan:

The Document360 Free Plan provides access to essential features such as collaborative editing, version control, and basic analytics. However, it may have limitations regarding storage capacity, the number of team members, and customisation options. Advanced features and premium support are typically available only in the paid plans.

2. .Gitbook Free Plan:

Gitbook's Free Plan offers basic features, including collaborative editing, version control, and basic analytics. However, it may limit the number of team members, storage capacity, and customisation options. Advanced features like integrations and advanced analytics are usually part of the paid plans.

3. Docsie Free Plan:

The Docsie Free Plan provides access to core features, including collaborative editing and version control. However, specific limitations, such as a cap on the number of documents, team members, or storage capacity, may exist. Advanced features and additional support options are generally available in the paid plans.

Free Plan Services Comparison:

Features Document360 Gitbook Docsie
Collaborative Editing Yes Yes Yes
Version Control Yes Yes Yes
Storage Limitations Yes Yes Yes
Team Member Limitations Yes Yes Yes
Customisation Options Limited Limited Limited
Advanced Analytics No No No
### Paid Plan Services Comparison:

To further compare the platforms, let's outline the features and additional benefits of the paid plans:

  • Document360 Paid Plans:

The paid plans of Document360 offer additional features such as advanced analytics, integrations with third-party tools, increased storage capacity, custom branding, and priority support. They provide enhanced flexibility, scalability, and customisation options for organisations with varying needs and requirements.

  • Gitbook Paid Plans:

Gitbook's paid plans often include features like advanced integrations, enhanced storage capacity, custom domains, advanced analytics, and priority support. These plans cater to growing teams and enterprises, providing advanced functionalities to optimise the documentation workflow.

  • Docsie Paid Plans:

The paid plans of Docsie generally offer expanded storage capacity, unlimited documents, advanced integrations, custom branding, and priority support. They are designed to meet the needs of organisations requiring extensive documentation capabilities and customisation options.

By comparing the free plans and the additional benefits offered by the paid plans, users can assess the value and suitability of each platform according to their specific requirements and budget constraints.

Limitations of Document360 and Gitbook: A comparison with Docsie-

There are various limitations of these documentation platforms that hinder their usage. Let's look at some of them in detail for Document360 and Gitbook.

1. Limited Customization:

Document360 and Gitbook may have limitations in terms of customisation options. Users may need help aligning the platform with their branding and style guidelines, leading to a lack of visual consistency.

2. Integrations:

While Document360 and Gitbook offer integrations with third-party tools, they may have limitations regarding the number and range of available integrations. This can hinder seamless workflows and productivity for users who rely on specific devices.

3. Comparison Table:

Features Document360 Gitbook
Customisation Limited Limited
Integration Limited Limited
### Solutions Provided by Docsie:

Docsie platform addresses the limitations faced by Document360 and Gitbook users through its unique features and functionalities:

1. Extensive Customization:

Docsie offers extensive customisation options, allowing users to align the platform with their branding and style guidelines. It enables users to create a cohesive, branded documentation experience, enhancing the organisation's identity. Even the pricing model is custom-made for plans.

2. Wide Range of Integrations:

Docsie provides a wide range of integrations with various tools and services. This ensures seamless workflows and productivity, enabling users to connect their documentation platform with the tools they rely on for efficient collaboration and project management.

It offers users a more comprehensive and flexible documentation platform by addressing the limitations of limited customisation and integrations. Its extensive customisation options allow for a consistent and branded experience, while the wide range of integrations enhances productivity and facilitates seamless collaboration.

With Docsie, users can overcome the challenges faced by Document360 and Gitbook, achieving a tailored documentation solution that meets their specific needs.

It is a comprehensive online knowledge base platform offering an ideal hosting solution for user guides. It operates entirely on the web, providing a user-friendly built-in editor for effortless content creation and seamless publishing to the web.

With Docsie, you can:

  • Easily invite your team members to collaborate on documents, leveraging the power of Markdown to embed dynamic content.

  • Additionally, Docsie automatically gathers valuable feedback from users, allowing you to improve your documentation continuously.

  • With the added advantage of viewing screen recordings of user sessions, Docsie empowers you to enhance your knowledge base and deliver exceptional user experiences.


In conclusion, comparing Document360, Gitbook, and Docsie *has provided valuable insights into each platform's features, pricing, limitations, and unique offerings. *Here are the key points discussed:

  • Documentation platforms play a vital role in efficient and organised documentation processes.

  • Document360 offers extensive customisation options, robust analytics, and transparent pricing plans.

  • Gitbook provides a user-friendly interface, version control, and affordable pricing options.

  • Docsie offers flexible pricing, extensive integrations, and a customisable platform.

Based on your specific requirements, it is recommended to evaluate the features and limitations discussed in this comparison carefully. Most of you would prefer to keep your documentation tasks simple, and Docsie is the "best platform" for you. From pricing to amazing features and integrations, Docsie has it all for your end-to-end documentation needs.

Ultimately, it is important to explore each platform further, considering your individual needs, budget, and desired functionalities. The provided comparison serves as a starting point, but further research and evaluation will help you make an informed decision.

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